Unit 8


Part 3


Interesting. This is a tall and new building, and this is an old house.

Yes, these houses were built when it was decided on building Tel-Aviv.

This was in 1909.

Rotchild Blvd. is the first street in Tel-Aviv?

Rotchild Blvd., Herzl street and Achad Haam Street are the rirst streets of Tel-Aviv.

This is the Herzeliya High-School, the first Hebrew High School,

This is town hall. You see an old building in Tel-Aviv and...

Where are you going?

It is a surprise!

Where are we?

In this building the State of Israel was declared. It was on Friday, May 14th. 1948.

(One hears the voice of Ben-Gurion).

Yes. I've heard about Ben-Gurion. I am very excited.

(Helena and Anna come back).


Where did you go?

We went to see the house where Ben-Guryon declared the independence of the State of Israel.

We also went sight seeing in Ben Yehuda street, in Dizenghoff street.

Ben Yehuda? Dizenghoff? Who are these?

You don't know? It is worth while to learn, read and know about these people.

We still have some time. Is it worth while to go to the Biyalik house?

Biyalik. The poet Chaime Nachman Biyalik. The Biyalik House on Biyalik street.

Wait, why rush. We can also rest for a while and later return to the sea.

Really? Michael, come, we are not beautiful enough for you...